Thespian of the Year
The highest award conferred by Hazel Park Drama is "Thespian of the Year", an annual recognition of a student—typically a graduating senior—for exemplary dedication to theatre at Hazel Park High School.
2025: TBA May 2025
2024: Christy Gardner
2023: Katie Norris
2022: Samara Lenhardt
2021: Toby Sanders
2020: Neina McDuffie
2019: Matthew Johnson
2018: Ember Staats
2017: Jatory Powell
2016: Kristina Garrett
2015: Sierra Kobel
2014: Madison Faye Shiplett
2013: Jared Gajos
2012: Sunil Suckoo
2011: Rachel Bouchard
2010: Kelsey Altman
2009: Carmen Andrade
2008: Megan Tommas
2007: Tracey Koziara
2006: Alyssa Lingerfelt
2005: Jean Calkins
2004: Dan Cory
2003: Josh Clay
2002: Sarah Atcho
2001: Conrad Reed
2000: Leah Morris
1999: Nichole Peters
1998: Nina Silke
1997: James Miller
1996: Shawn Polito
1995: Susan Mann
1994: Kristi Shrank
1993: Sherrie Ethridge
1992: Nathan Keeton
1991: Tanya Hart
1990: Robin Lopp
1989: Mike Charbeneau
1988: Frank Anthony Polito
Katie Norris ('23) receiving the "Thespian of the Year" award at Senior Honors Night
Ember Staats ('18)
Sierra Kobel ('15)
Kristina Garrett ('16)
Madison Faye Shiplett ('14)
Jared Gajos ('13)
Sunil Suckoo ('12)